English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL): is designed to educate the Queens community in the use of the English language. The program is a place where participants can improve their English proficiency as well as their cultural competence, which are often essential for creating a successful life in the United States. When students enter the ESOL program, our test specialists conduct a free assessment of the student’s English language level before placing them in an appropriate class, ranging from level 0 to level 5/6. These classes are designed to meet the individual needs of the students.
Classes are open to all individuals over the age of 18 on a First Come, First Serve basis. We offer two cycles of classes each year (from July-December and January-June). Classes are held in mornings and afternoons and, as always, are free of charge.
Interested in enrolling?
Prospective students who wish to enroll in our ESL program need to take an entrance exam. Depending on our exam results, you will be placed in one of our ESL classes. To register for a placement exam, call the Adult Literacy Department at 718-353-4553 ext.14, or email at eslregister@ywcaqueens.org.
Call 718-353-4553 ext. 14 or email eslregister@ywcaqueens.org, for more information and other questions about enrollment.