General Education Degree (GED)
Ready to change your life by obtaining your GED? If so, the YWCA of Queens has the program for you! Our General Education Degree (GED) program provides interactive and engaging preparation classes that cover the five subject areas of the official GED examination for all students over 18 years old. Students in the program receive extensive academic support and attention to ensure maximum academic growth. The program is student-focused and aims to help participants achieve their academic and career goals through holistic education and individual development.
Classes are open to all individuals over the age of 17 on a First Come, First Serve basis. We offer two cycles of classes each year (from July-December and January-June). Classes are held in mornings and afternoons and, as always, are free of charge. We currently do not offer HSE classes in Spanish.
Interested in enrolling? Prospective students who wish to enroll in our HSE program need to take an entrance exam. The exam (TABE) takes three to four hours to complete and measures reading and mathematics ability. Depending on our exam results, you will be placed in one of our HSE classes. To register for a placement exam, call the Adult Literacy Department at 718-353-4553ext. 23 (Ask for Mr. Robert), or email
Call 718-353-4553 ext. 23 or email for more information and other questions about enrollment.
“At the age of 14, school just wasn’t working out for me. Instead of going to school, I decided to start working catering and construction. I was 20 years old when my eyes suddenly opened. I realized that my 6 years of experience will have a lot more potential if I go back to school. I needed help getting my GED, so I asked the YWCA of Queens to give me a hand. The service and attention I received from the YWCA was beyond great. They helped me strive harder towards getting my GED. It is amazing the way the staff would take extra time to tutor individuals that needed extra help and support. YWCA provided step-by-step guidance, opening up new doors. Thanks to the YWCA’s help, I I am now signing up for Queensborough Community College. They are extremely helpful. Not only does the YWCA provide GED help, but also great guidance and counseling along with discipline and respect. My experience with the YWCA has been wonderfully spectacular.”
-Eric Ng, Program Graduate & GED Certificate Recipient
“The YWCA has a great program for GED. Now I feel prepared to go and take the test. I would recommend this program to my friends and anyone interested in a GED program. Being in the GED program at the YWCA has motivated me. Thanks to the staff who helped in preparing this program and a big thank you to the teacher who made it possible by creating a stress-free classroom environment that was perfect for learning. The teacher was on target and well prepared.”
–Jullet Simpson Murray, Program Participant & GED Certificate Recipient
“The YWCA has been a huge help for me. It gave me the confidence to try my hardest and really prove what I am capable of. The people who work her plus the students in my class were all great. I feel good about taking the test and it is because of this program.”
–Samantha Dugan, Program Participant & GED Certificate Recipient
“The YWCA is an excellent program. The program hours and classroom setting were great. The teacher was patient, clear, and knowledgeable. Thank you YWCA for starting me on my way to succeed in life.”
–Jovan Cook, Program Participant & GED Certificate Recipient
“I’m so glad to see you are still helping people get their GED. The staff in the YWCA of Queens, New York, helped me so much! In three months I got my GED and went to college. I am now in my second year towards a BFA in Advertising.”
–Shelly Floril