We assist community members with accessing public benefits and community programs from the city of New York.
We provide this service in Mandarin, Korean, Spanish and English.
We offer comprehensive case management services, which include, but are not limited to, assistance with:
-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
-New York City Housing Association (NYCHA) applications
-Low Income Housing (Housing Connect) applications
-Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) applications
-Social Security Benefits
-Obtaining a Reduced Fare Metro Card
-One Shot Deal
-Life Line Phones
-Obtaining an IDNYC Card
-Fresh Air Fund
-Informal translation of documents
-And more
If you need assistance to apply for any of the public benefits that NYC offer to the community. Please, feel free to make an appointment with any of our case managers:
For assistance, please call (718) 353-4553
Chinese :
Tina Li, ext. 36 email:
Nicole Sun, ext. 29 email:
Miles Li, ext. 31 email:
Korean :
Heidi Shin, ext. 25 email:
Spanish :
Andrea Roman, ext. 19 email:
This office is located at 29-30 Union Street, Flushing NY 11354 Reception: (718) 353-4553 Ext 22
Main email at this office:
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